Equality in business
GENDER DIVERSITY in corporate boards
Is there any gender diversity in corporate boards?
In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on gender diversity in coprporate boards. Although it will take may decades before equality is reached, progress is made. Read more in our e-book.
Does gender diversity affect corporate leadership?
The impact of gender diversity on corporate leadership has been widely debated for many years. In a review on this topic, looking at the impact from a global perspective, analysis showed a huge impact in succes.
Why you need gender diversity in the workplace:
- it can improve financial performance.
- it broadens your customer base.
- it improves problem-solving.
- it helps with recruiting and retention.
- it is a law already!
Please support us in providing information for our project.
This questionnaire is prepared for the ongoing Erasmus+ Project titled “Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards: A Road to Sustainability (EQUBUSINESS)”, funded by the European Commission.
Participation to the survey is on a voluntary basis. Personal information will not be requested from you and your answers will only be used for scientific purposes.
Thank you in advance for your valuable help and contributions.
We are thrilled to announce our e-book is ready for you. We do not want to wait. We show you already this great result of research with a wonderful cooperation between universities all over Europe. An Erasmusplus funded project. Download and read the e-book from now!
Our why
Gender diversity on corporate boards:
A road to sustainability
Gender diversity in corporate decision making would lead to a development in economic and social welfare.
In this project, internal corporate governance mechanisms and best practices, common to different cultures within Europe that promote gender diversity will be identified and promoted through adult education modules. Thus, the main aim of the project is to identify the internal corporate governance mechanisms that support “gender diversity and women voice” on corporate boards for different cultures and find the commonalities to promote them across countries.
Since the project partners have diversified cultural and regulatory profiles, the company policies and best practices will have more generalizability globally. Thus, an impactful contribution to the global corporate governance principles is expected.

Based on international interviews and existing literature, we have developed an e-book and learning modules to encourage gender diversity in boards. The reason: gender diversity on boards can lead to better long-term decisions
For this Erasmus funded project we have organised an online webinar for (future) board members.
Would you like to learn more about our approach and conclusions? Are you curious about our e-book and the digital learning modules on gender diversity for (future) board members? Download the e-book for all results.
If you are interested in more info about our research, we are creating an e-book. The first draft you can already dowload here.
We are a group of 6 partner institutes working together om this EU funded project. Five University partners and a supporting company.
We are based in Turkey, Belgium, Spain, Lithuania and the Netherlands.
We all do believe gender equality in corporate boards will create more sustainable decisions, and thus a better world.
We do work according the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, specifically GOAL 5
We educate the world by doing research, promoting gender equality in the news and bringing results to our educational institutes and network.
We are in open to be educated by you too.
We invite YOU! To participate in our surveys, bringing information to our team and share your best practices on our website.
We invite you to be an extended partner of our team, become an ambassador!